RED PLOVIDBE za 2021. godinu. We aim to provide our guests relaxed airport transportations given by our reliable, punctual and courteous drivers, at a competitive price. Our house is situated in I Padova bay, opposite to the Hotel "Padova", close to the ACI marine and 300 m from the center of town Rab. There is also a new port for the Stinica-Mišnjak ferry that takes passengers to the island of Rab. Svakako preporučamo da potvrdite vrijeme i datum polaska s prijevoznikom. PRICE LIST -FERRY RAB (MISNJAK) -STINICA. VIR pa je malo sam komplicirana ali ne puno tek toliko da ti ne bude dosadno samnom javi se lijepi Február 28-án éjfélkor véget ért az Arnolfini . Im Buch gefundenAnother company does a similar crossing to the mainland, from Mišnjak and Stinica ( There's also a ferry ( several times a day between Lopar in the northwest of the island and Valbiska (on the island ... Only 5 km before Jablanac, the coastal road branches off to Stinica, which consists of a historic part and a new apartment complex. Obzirom na aktualnu situaciju s COVID-19 pandemijom, vozni red za 2021. godinu je podložan promjenama. Ferry Mišnjak - Stinica. Im Buch gefundenOn bus journeys that involve a ferry crossing (such as Rijeka–Lošinj or Rijeka–Rab), the cost of the ferry will be included in ... Stinica to Mišnjak on Rab, or Orebić to Dominće on Korčula – are handled by simple rollonrolloff ferries, ... Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Stinica - Mišnjak (Rab) - timetable and pricelist for year 2021. You reach Stinica by taking the Jadranska magistrala (D8) state road, i.e. Ukoliko je to u redu s vama, samo nastavite surfati. Trajektne linije Jablanac-Mi njak, Valbiska(Krk)-Lopar.Rab. The fastest ferry normally takes 20 min. 2019 Cro. Appears on 2 lists. Rab is one of the most popular islands in the north Adria, with the town as beautiful as Dubrovnik, and green woods as in Mljet National Park. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 192Zagreb : 4 bus/j. Compter 37 Kn/passager, 72 Kn/moto En ferry et Pag 225 Kn/voiture. : départ de l'embarcadère à la Stinica : liaison avec le port de Mišnjak, (compagnie au sud Rapska de l'île. Infos Plovidba à Mišnjak ... Only 5 km before Jablanac, the coastal road branches off to Stinica, which consists of a historic part and a new apartment complex. Im Buch gefundenRapska Plovidba (%051-724122; A car ferry shuttles back and forth between Mišnjak on the island's southeastern tip and Stinica (adult/child/car 17/7/98KN, 15 minutes) on the mainland; even in winter there are a ... There is also a new port for the Stinica-Mišnjak ferry that takes passengers to the island of Rab. NaÅ¡a stranica koristi kolačiće. Our vision is to be your first source of inspiration, and generally become a leading source of information related to the world of travel in Croatia and neighboring countries. From the Stinica ferry dock on the mainland from where you can reach the Mišnjak dock on the south side of the island of Rab. Person. La lunghezza della corsa in traghetto di Stinica - Mišnjak (Rab): 15 min. We offer excellent accommodation in completely furnished apartments. This car ferry connection is an optimal choice for everyone going from the mainland to Rab. Ova trajektna veza optimalan je izbor za sve koji putuju […] Continue reading. Restoran Lika. The shallow cove of Mala Stinica features a stone-built waterfront and a small mole. Članci na temu stinica-mišnjak. Im Buch gefundenARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE RAB By ferry A car ferry runs from Stinica on the mainland to Mišnjak on the island's southern tip. You can also hop over to Rab by ferry from Valbiska on Krk to Lopar, though bear in mind that this leaves you a ... During the tourism season all the four ferries are running as long as there are vehicles to transport, regardless of schedule. 8.1 "Diivnooo! A service runs here all year round, the trip takes 15 minutes, with departures every one or two hours out of season, and continually in the summer months, and this is the best connection between the island and the mainland (check time table or see web cam) Look at with a webcam online on the city Mišnjak and the surrounding area. The ferry journey time between Stinica and Misnjak Rab is around 20 min and covers a distance of around 3 km. 178 kn. Translated from Za određivanje početnog stanja atmosfere od kojeg započinje proračun prognoze (početni uvjeti) koristi se metoda asimilacije podataka. Prihvati The line is kept by Rapska Plovidba d.d. you use the motorway exit. LOPAR. 44.706001 / 14.860918. The local timezone is named Europe / Zagreb with an UTC offset of 2 hours. Car. Ferry Mišnjak-Stinica. A Stinica - Mišnjak Rab kompjárattal - az út körülbelül 15 perc. Typically 84 ferries run weekly, although weekend and holiday schedules can vary so check in advance. However, the effects of the recent tourist season in the far south of Croatia are weaker than those recorded in the central or northern part of the Adriatic. This ferry route to Misnjak is currently served by 1 company: Rapska Plovidba. Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. November 3, 2021. Departure is scheduled every one to two hours. Taxi Krk offers high quality transfer services, suitable for our guests needs and purposes. Show webcams nearby. Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Stinica - Mišnjak (Rab) info. Apartmani i sobe na Rabu. Welcome to Rab, beautiful island situated on the north coast of Adriatic Sea in Kvarner. Trajektna luka Stinica udaljena je oko 1,5 km od malog mjesta Stinica. Linija je dostupna tijekom cijele godine te zimi prometuje svakodnevno jednom u satu, a polasci su češći u srcu turističke sezone. We hope that you will find many of interesting information which will help you decide to spend your holidays in our Apartments. Preporučujemo da Å¡to ranije dođete u luku, najkasnije sat i pol prije isplovljavanja trajekta. Rab Source: Rapska Plovidba The webcam tracks the state of road traffic at the ferry berth in the town of Misnjak on the island of Rab. Click on icon for more information. Rapska plovidba ( Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry, line no. The shallow cove of Mala Stinica features a stone-built waterfront and a small mole. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 411Uvala Vela Stinica 9.512 Uvala Vela Stinica ( Uvala Stinica ) ( 44 ° 43 ' N , 14 ° 54 ' E ) , situated about 1 mile N of Luka Jablanac , is identified by ... Communications : Car ferry to Uvala Mišnjak ( 11 miles W ) . Car. Svi koji putuju automobilom trebaju imati na umu da postoji samo jedna cesta koja vodi do mjesta ukrcaja. How to get to the island, how long you travel, how you travel by ferry from the Stinica to Mišnjak, is there a timetable, however, and what else was going on on the island, the weather forecast for Rab in the next few days. At 79 meters in length and 17.5 meters in width, the ferry was launched in September 2017. Do you have questions about schedules and pricing? Otok Rab Hrvatska - Servisne informacije. Ferry Stinica - Mišnjak. Created by Balázs Toldi 56 items. View: 3426x. 20:50 Mišnjak (Rab) 0h 20min. Only 5 km before Jablanac, the coastal road branches off to Stinica, which consists of a historic part and a new apartment complex. Croatia. Show webcams nearby. You can reach the Island of Rab travelling by various means of transport. Rab. Mogu nosti dolaska na Rab. Timetable of ferry Mišnjak - Stinica Valbiska - Lopar ferry route Weather forecast Airport Rijeka Airport Zadar Croatian Auto Club Web development: Web360 This website uses cookies to analyze your use of the website and improve your user experience. Lopar can be reached by two ferry lines: Stinica - Mišnjak (lasting ten minutes) or Valbiska (on Krk) - Lopar (the ride takes about an hour and a half). Mišnjak. Hrvatski autoklub Pomoć na cesti (+385 1) 1987 • Stanje na cestama 072 777 777 • Služba članstva 0800 998 Mi prikupljaju podatke o više od 262,964 s . If you are coming by car, the best connection to the island is from the ferry port of Stinica on the mainland, to the ferry port Mišnjak on the island of Rab. Jednosmjerna karta za odrasle u sezoni koÅ¡ta 17 HRK, a izvan sezone 15 HRK. Mišnjak. Operator: Rapska plovidba The island was the frontier between Liburnia and Dalmatia. Hrvatska, Otok Rab, Hrva ka. Continue straight along the coast through the town (don't turn left to Split/Zagreb highway), and after 38 km turn right to island Rab ferry port (trajekt) STINICA FAHRPLAN vom 01.04. bis 30.04.2021. Taxi Krk, Island Krk, Croatia. There is also a new port for the Stinica-Mišnjak ferry that takes passengers to the island of Rab. Vrijeme i klima, more i nautika. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 218Out of 54 current lines only five ferry lines are profitable23, while others are not financially viable, due to the low ... Ferry line 337 Stinica-Mišnjak, Ferry line 604 (Lastovo) – Vela Luka - Split, Ferry line 641 Drvenik-Dominče, ... All passengers must remain in their vehicles while sailing. Autobusne linije, brodske linije. Da, kućni ljubimci su dopuÅ¡teni na trajektu, ali obavezno pročitajte detaljne informacije u općim uvjetima poslovanja tvrtke Rapska Plovidba. 2001©Rapska plovidba d.d . There is also a new port for the Stinica-Mišnjak ferry that takes passengers to the island of Rab. The Agency for the Coastal Maritime Traffic Lines has launched a new series of tenders. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 194En ferry > Stinica : liaison avec le port de MiSnjak, au sud de l'île. Infos à Misnjak (compagnie Rapska Plovidba : # (051) 724-122; e o), Juin-sept, bateau ttes les heures (5h30-minuit), une demidouzaine de bateaux ... Duration of voyage 25 minutes. Understand []. Misnjak stinica komp menetrend. NOTICE TO OUR PASSENGERS - Let's be responsible. During the course of the tourist season there are regular lines each 40 minutes. 3000-Ft 10 napos matrcia Horvátország autópálya. The webcam tracks the state of road traffic at the ferry berth in the town of Misnjak on the island of Rab. Kad stignete u luku Stinica, morat ćete pričekati red da se ukrcate na trajekt. Our mission is to provide you with accurate, timely and useful information to make your travel planning easier. Van, caravan, microbus not exceeding 5m of length. View: 2296x . This ferry line is the best connection between the island of Rab and the mainland. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 349Fähre ± Die Fähre von Stinica nach Mišnjak auf Rab (häufigste und schnellste Fährverbindung) legt in der Hauptsaison ... Personenfähren verbinden Rab-Stadt mit Cesenatico und Pesaro (Italien); U lipnju, srpnju, kolovozu i rujnu dostupne su tri dnevne katamaranske veze između navedenih gr... Trajekt iz Rovinja za Veneciju prometuje od travnja do početka listopada, u lipnju, srpnju, kolovozu i rujnu bude do 12 polazaka tjedno, a ostalim mjesecima do 4 polaska tjedno. Nije uobičajeno putovati na otok Rab pjeÅ¡ice jer tamo nema uspostavljenih transportnih linija, a do drugih gradova ne isplati se pjeÅ¡ačiti. Tourism showed unexpected vitality and resilience during the pandemic in 2021. Tickets for this departure can not be purchase at our website. From the town of Stinica, which is located near the town of Senj, four ferries sail daily to Mišnjak on Rab. OBAVIJESTI CIJENJENIM PUTNICIMA - BUDIMO ODGOVORNI. © 2008 - 2021 • All rights reserved, Fast ferry (catamaran) Dubrovnik - Korčula - Hvar - Bol (Brač) - Split, Fast ferry (catamaran) Dubrovnik - Korčula - Ubli (Lastovo), Fast ferry (catamaran) Dubrovnik - Å ipanska Luka (Å ipan) - Sobra (Mljet) - Polače (Mljet) - Korčula - Ubli (Lastovo), Fast ferry (catamaran) Pula - Rovinj - Poreč - Umag - Venice, Fast ferry (catamaran) Pula - Unije - Susak - Mali LoÅ¡inj - Ilovik - Silba - Zadar, Fast ferry (catamaran) Resnik (Split airport / KaÅ¡tela) - Bol (Brač) - Stari Grad (Hvar), Fast ferry (catamaran) Resnik (Split airport / KaÅ¡tela) - Split - Hvar - Bol (Brač), Fast ferry (catamaran) Rijeka - Cres - Martinšćica (Cres) - Unije - Susak - Ilovik - Mali LoÅ¡inj, Fast ferry (catamaran) Rijeka - Rab - Novalja (Pag), Fast ferry (catamaran) Rijeka - Silba - Zadar, Fast ferry (catamaran) Å ibenik - Kaprije - Žirje, Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Bol (Brač), Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Bol (Brač) - Jelsa (Hvar), Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Bol (Brač) - Makarska - Korčula - Sobra (Mljet) - Dubrovnik, Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Hvar - Korčula, Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Hvar - Prigradica (Korčula) - Korčula, Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Hvar - Vela Luka (Korčula) - Ubli (Lastovo), Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Korčula - Pomena (Mljet) - Dubrovnik, Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Milna (Brač) - Hvar - Vis, Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Resnik (Split airport / KaÅ¡tela), Fast ferry (catamaran) Split - Rogač (Å olta) - Stomorska (Å olta) - Sutivan (Brač) - Milna (Brač), Fast ferry (catamaran) Stari Grad (Hvar) - Hvar - Vela Luka (Korčula) - Pescara, Fast ferry (catamaran) Zadar - Božava (Dugi otok) - Silba - Mali LoÅ¡inj - Susak, Fast ferry (catamaran) Zadar - Mali Iž - Veli Iž - Mala Rava - Rava, Fast ferry (catamaran) Zadar - Molat - Brgulje (Molat) - Zapuntel (Molat) - Å iroka (Ist), Fast ferry (catamaran) Zadar - Premuda - Silba - Olib, Fast ferry (catamaran) Zadar - Rivanj - Sestrunj - Zverinac - Božava (Dugi otok) - Brbinj (Dugi otok), Fast ferry (catamaran) Zadar - Sali (Dugi otok) - Zaglav (Dugi otok) - BrÅ¡anj (Iž), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Biograd - Tkon (PaÅ¡man), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Brestova - Porozina (Cres), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Drvenik - Dominče (Korčula), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Drvenik - Sućuraj (Hvar), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Dubrovnik - Bari, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Dubrovnik - Lopud - Suđurađ (Å ipan), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Lopar (Rab) - Valbiska (Krk), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Makarska - Sumartin (Brač), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Orebić (PeljeÅ¡ac) - Dominče (Korčula), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Ploče - Trpanj (PeljeÅ¡ac), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Prapratno (PeljeÅ¡ac) - Sobra (Mljet), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Prizna - Žigljen (Pag), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Rijeka - Split - Stari Grad (Hvar) - Korčula - Sobra (Mljet) - Dubrovnik, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Å ibenik - Zlarin - Kaprije - Žirje, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Ancona, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Rogač (Å olta), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Stari Grad (Hvar), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Stari Grad (Hvar) - Ancona, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Supetar (Brač), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Vela Luka (Korčula) - Ubli (Lastovo), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Split - Vis, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Stinica - MiÅ¡njak (Rab), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Trogir - Drvenik Mali - Drvenik Veli, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Valbiska (Krk) - Merag (Cres), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Ancona, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Brbinj (Dugi otok), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - BrÅ¡anj (Iž) - Rava - Mala Rava, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Kosirača (Ist) - Olib - Silba - Krijal (Premuda) - Mali LoÅ¡inj, Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - OÅ¡ljak - Preko (Ugljan), Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Zadar - Rivanj - Sestrunj - Zverinac - Molat - Zapuntel (Molat) - Kosirača (Ist), Passenger ferry Biograd - PakoÅ¡tane - Vrgada, Passenger ferry Dubrovnik - Koločep - Lopud - Suđurađ (Å ipan), Passenger ferry Komiža (Vis) - Mezuporat (BiÅ¡evo) - Salbunara (BiÅ¡evo) - Porat (BiÅ¡evo), Passenger ferry Mali LoÅ¡inj - Vele Srakane - Unije - Susak, Passenger ferry Orebić (PeljeÅ¡ac) - Korčula, Passenger ferry Å ibenik - Zlarin - Prvić Luka - Prvić Å epurine - Vodice, Passenger ferry Split - Slatine (Čiovo) - Trogir, Passenger ferry Zadar - Mali Iž - Veli Iž - Mala Rava - Rava, Passenger ferry Zadar - Sali (Dugi otok) - Zaglav (Dugi otok), Railways of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ŽFBH), Terms of using our content on other sites. !" Blazenka Razumovic. The shallow cove of Mala Stinica features a stone-built waterfront and a small mole. Lopar can be reached by ferry from Jablanac to Mišnjak within about ten minutes. You buy the tickets before entering the ferry at the charging office. 15 kn. After a 15-minute journey by ferry you reach the island of Rab port of MIŠNJAK. Beach. Rapska plovidba. Rab (Italian Arbe) is an island and a town of the same name in Kvarner.. See 35 photos from 208 visitors to Trajekt Stinica - Mišnjak. There is also a new port for the Stinica-Mišnjak ferry that takes passengers to the island of Rab. By plane The nearest airports are Airport Rijeka on island Krk or airport on island Mali Lošinj. The intervention includes works on the part of the coast supporting the slip, as well as works on the part of the coast featuring two bulwarks and access walkways. 337) 20:30 Stinica. 62 likes. Jablanac, at the southern terminus of the D405 road. This ferry route to Stinica is currently served by 1 company: Rapska Plovidba. Rapska plovidba ( Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry, line no. The shallow cove of Mala Stinica features a stone-built waterfront and a small mole. Find connections for destinations that you want to visit and check pricelists and timetables. Passenger & vehicle (car) ferry Stinica - Mišnjak (Rab) info. By sandra 21 September 2017 2017 Newsletter week 38. Ova trajektna veza optimalan je izbor za sve koji putuju s kopna na Rab. Stinica to Misnjak Rab by ferry. Ako putujete s djecom, postoji popust od 50% na karte za djecu od 3 do 12 godina. The island can be reached by various means of transportation. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 262For those with a car, ferries run from Stinica, by Jablanac (100km south of Rijeka) to Mišnjak 13 times daily in winter and up to 23 times a day at the height of the season, and take just 15 minutes to make the crossing ... Im Buch gefundenOn bus journeys that involve a ferry crossing (such as Rijeka–Lošinj or Rijeka–Rab), the cost of the ferry will be included in ... Stinica to Mišnjak on Rab, or Orebić to Dominće on Korčula – are handled by simple rollonrolloff ferries, ... Im Buch gefundenOn bus journeys that involve a ferry crossing (such as Rijeka— Losinj or Rijeka—Rab), the cost of the ferry will be ... Stinica to Misnjak on Rab, or Orebic': to Domince on Korcula — are handled by simple roll-on-roll-off ferries, ... Rapska plovidba is the city of Rab's own ferry line, which opened a roll-on roll-off service in 1963 with a self-propelled pontoon disposed of by the Navy. ~ Welcome to Rab - Lopar ~ Dear visitors, welcome to the webpages of "Apartments OK". Ferry from Mišnjak to Stinica. Rome2rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can . Put od luke Stinica do MiÅ¡njaka traje oko 15 minuta. NEW PORT STINICA - NOVA LUKA STINICA. Connects ferry port Stinica on the Croatian mainland with ferry port Misnjak on the island of Rab. The line is kept by: Rapska plovidba d.d. Im Buch gefunden... ferry has a restaurant with a full range of reasonably priced food; breakfast is included if you book a cabin. Island services Short hops to islands close to the mainland — such as Brestova to Porozina on Cres, Stinica to Misnjak on ... 337) 22:00 Stinica. STINICA MISNJAK ferry line runs throughout the year. 96 kn. Our mission is to provide you with accurate, timely and useful information to make your travel planning easier. Putnici-pješaci koji se prevoze bez vozila obavezno moraju nositi medicinske maske ili maske za . Car not exceeding 2m of height and 5m of length. Our vision is to be your first source of inspiration, and generally become a leading source of information related to the world of travel in Croatia and neighboring countries.

Leben Mit Harnröhrenverengung, Herzschrittmacher Autofahren, Sana Gesundheitszentrum Am Tierpark, Hobbywing Regler 150a, Süßkartoffel Abnehmen Rezepte, Hämorrhoiden Nach Geburt Grad 4, Doppelte Maßgeblichkeit, Hochschule Osnabrück Wintersemester 2021,