They are also nice to look at. It never gets a chance to fully bloom. The selection on our website is what is overwintered at the nursery. collect. There are a few things we wanted you to know to help us help you receive your plants in a timely fashion…MORE, in Heather Cardinal, Heather Deep Teal , Heather Black & Charcoal. Selected by Illinois’s Bill Wandell, ‘Autumn Brilliance’ is the prized hybrid that resulted from crossing two deciduous North American species, A. arborea and A. laevis. It typically grows to 2-4' tall. 6 x 6 inches. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan', Tostat, June 2015. mike. Plants usually rebloom without deadheading, however prompt removal of spent flowers improves general appearance. It features white blooms with an orange cone that attracts butterflies from July through October. We hope a handful of our botanical offerings will spark your interest as well, and maybe even invigorate your green thumb! They are very good at attracting butterflies but they are annuals in my backyard. The Echinacea White Swan Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea, is an easy to grow flower that produces beautiful white daisy-like flowers. An icon we use to indicate a button link is external. (shipped in 2-3 working days) 2 litre pot. Amenable to a range of soil types, easy-care ‘Autumn Brilliance’ flourishes in full sun or part shade and appreciates abodes with moderate moisture plus good drainage. You will receive - 1 Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' Herb Plant in a 50 X 75mm tube - General growing instructions All of our Herb Plants are grown organically with certified organic potting mixes and fertilizers. Strong, vigorous, upright... plant is as tall as my chain link fence & flowers are taller. Summary. I find it very easy to care for, it has lots of blooms, and it hasn't shown any signs of disease. The flowers are somewhat small and touched by a bug, fungus ....? Dark green leaves are 4"-8" long, serrated, coarse and hairy. Noteworthy Characteristics. Many deciduous trees and shrubs are ablaze with brilliant hues, while others offer lustrous bird-friendly berries. These stand on stiff stems that rise above the foliage. echinacia and even though i water them constantly all are about completely cooked this year, the white swan however is thriving!!! Fragrant blooms. | Bloom Time: Early - Mid Summer Mature Spread: 12-18 Inches. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' bears white, daisy-like flowers with drooping petals and a large, orange-green centre, on rigid stems. On Jul 25, 2010, kizilod from Cumberland, RI (Zone 6b) wrote: Echinacea 'White Swan' is the most bug-eaten flower in my central Massachusetts garden. This year I had 4 coneflower plants coming up and thought the original 2 plants were reproducing the others. This is their third year and they are blooming like crazy. USDA Zone: 3-9. Plant number: 1.196.900. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' is a rhizomatous, clump-forming perennial. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' (Coneflower) Verbena bonariensis (Tall Verbena) Foliage. I live in the 7-8 zones, in Dallas Tx.. We must have had a mild winter because they are slowly moving out from the back to the front. Synonym: Echinacea purpurea alba. The best flower display is late June to late July, with sporadic continued bloom into September. Echinacea purpurea White Swan. Echinacea, often call coneflowers, are fantastic perennial plants that will produce a stunning display year after year. 25cm.Sun. White Swan Coneflower is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor pots and containers. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'. On Jun 2, 2004, nipajo from Dallas, TX (Zone 8b) wrote: Like the purple coneflower, the white coneflower spreads rapidly. 'White Swan' is a heavy mid-summer bloomer with prolific displays of white flowers with reflexed petals surrounding a stunning golden cone. Echinacea purpurea 'POW WOW™ White' Coneflower. "White Swan" coneflower (Echinacea purpurpea "White Swan") produces drooping snow-white petals surrounding a raise cone center in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 . Chuck White Swan Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'): This cultivar of a native perennial grows to a height of 2 feet with full sun and moderate moisture conditions. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' One of the older white flowered varieties reaching 2-3' tall by 12-24" wide. Inventory varies on a daily basis April trough October. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' is a compact perennial of upright growth, with large, daisy-like flowers with slightly drooping, white petals and large, coppery-orange (often with a green tinge) central cones. On Jun 15, 2010, huntnlabs from Xenia, OH wrote: I planted 2 purple coneflowers 2 years ago. These two compact cultivars are quite prolific and have performed very nicely in our trials. White Swan Coneflower is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor pots and containers. Flower bulbs Perennial plants Ornamental grasses Peonies . On May 24, 2004, kooger from Oostburg, WI (Zone 5b) wrote: This one did not get as tall, only about 16"-18", as the purple types. All of us plant and paper wranglers wish you good health and happy digging! Best flower display is late June to late July, with sporadic continued bloom into September. 'White Swan' has large, daisy-like flowers with slightly drooping, white petals (ray flowers) and large, coppery-orange (often with a green tinge) central cones. Early November is marked by change as parts of the garden drift closer to their winter slumber. It can be used in a flower bed or large container and while the seeds are attractive to birds in the fall; the Hardy perennial. All Echinacea are not purple, E. purpurea alba (picture right) is the white cone flower, also known as Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan', similar growing conditions as others. Large blooms, up to 4 inches in some cases, bloom abundantly mid season and attract songbirds and butterflies to your garden! Very floriferous, Echinacea purpurea 'PowWow White' is a luminous Coneflower with large, pure white flowers, 4 in. Does note spread or reseed that fast in my zone. 5 out of 5 stars (3,348) 3,348 . Easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. White Swan Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea alba) - It has a wonderful scent that you will love to add to your flower garden. Showy daisy-like purple coneflowers (to 5" diameter) bloom throughout summer atop stiff stems clad with coarse, ovate to broad-lanceolate, dark green leaves. Please view some F…MORE. I now have two white ones that have come up. I'm aware that sports occur every now and then; my Loropetalum produced a white sport for me a few years back. Buds unfurl in late July producing big, 3-4" diameter, white rayed daisies with a big, bulbous center cone that puts on a garden show that you and . I was having mixed feelings about this cultivar. Since they were just settling in they didn't put on much of a show. Echinacea in "Glow" by Anna Maria Horner - restocked GrandmaKathy. Details. On May 28, 2008, vossner from East Texas,United States (Zone 8a) wrote: tried to grow from seeds: a bust; bought some by mail, died; buying a 3rd time, locally. I've given it another spot in my garden now, maybe it 'll do better. It typically grows to 2-4' tall. ECHINACEA purpurea White Swan. I have collected and planted seeds from all of my varieties in the garden by simply cutting off the mature seed head and dragging it into the ground where I want them to grow. Please contact us for current availability. This hardy perennial that perfers full sun to part shade and fertile, well-drained soil will crowd out any weeds . It just seems to be happy everywhere, although the midwest-grown plants did grow more vigorously, and seemed to be stronger plants, with deeper roots than their redwood coast cousins. Common Name: White Swan Coneflower. Are you thinking about contacting us? Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' Other names. A spectacular echinacea with large flowers, each with a disc of bronze- green surrounded by rays of glistening white that slowly reflex as this central cone enlarges. Keep moist when starting, but . Good with grasses. More Info. Echinacea purpurea flowers in summer and fall. Organic ingredients improve drainage, add nutrients, and encourage earthworms and other organisms that help keep soil . overview; data; media; articles; maps; names 7/23/2005 Actually the White Swan Coneflower is blooming beautifully. Growth Habit: Echinacea are clump-forming perennials that grow to a mature size of between 12-36 inches wide and up to four feet tall.The size depends on the variety. 46 464-60-30. polski; Angielski; Słowacki; Menu × Categories . Grows about 3 feet tall. A retail and mail-order plant nursery specializing in unusual and hard-to-find perennials, ornamental grasses, shrubs, trees, and vines. Exposure: Full sun to partial shade. Over a foot of much-welcome rain has drenched the ground, transforming the garden into a lush tangle of gleaming greenery and autumnal splendor. A very nice addition to my flower bed but I have no idea where or how it got there. I have planted them in different places in my backyard. I replaced a patch of daisies with the White Swan and am very pleased with it. Pure white ray petals reflex downward, away from the coppery-brown, spiky central cone. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'. £18.99 £16.14. It does grow larger and can be separated by dividing the roots. This cultivar of our native coneflower has white, daisy-like flowers from early summer into early autumn. Evergreen or Deciduous: Deciduous. Now that's what I'd call tough. Hardiness Zone: 3-9. 5 out of 5 stars (24) 24 reviews $ 2.89. Another bombproof plant. Notable for a dashing display of bold, daisy-like cut flowers and an easy-to-get-along-with personality, Echinacea is favored by beginning and experienced gardeners for its colorful yet indestructible nature. Echinacea 'White Swan' 'White Swan' is a lovely cultivar with pure white petals and a golden-yellow centres. I hope that the plant multiplies as well as the wild variety; if it doesn't, I will plant a second one. The blooms last a good long time and keep reblooming until frost. Echinacea 'PowWow White' is a well-branched variety of Coneflower that's covered in 3"-4" pure white blooms with yellow-orange centers from late spring to late summer. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'. Favorite Add to 2 yds. Easy to grow in any sunny spot where it will attract birds and pollinators. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Perfumed clusters of luminous white flowers, juicy purplish black berries, dazzling orange-red autumn color and impressive disease resistance give you good reason to find a spot for this small multi-trunked shrubby tree! Long.. I just planted three of them together last year. On Mar 9, 2011, thmpr from Eureka, CA wrote: From my experience, it's hard to go wrong with any cultivar of Echinacea purpurea, and "White Swan" is no exception. The white petal color with an olive-yellow-brown cone compliments the pure green foliage beautifully. Plant in full sun, with well draining soils. Noteworthy Characteristics Medicinal. On Jun 21, 2009, hannett_garner from Silver Spring, MD wrote: Planted last year & looks fabulous. Good fresh cut or dried flower. Grow Fragrant Bouquets With Hybrid Perpetual Roses. This listing is for 6 x Echinacea 'Primadonna White Swan' Large Plug Plants for potting on, see photographs. White Swan Echinacea Garden Herb Seeds Per Package: 500mg Packet - Approximately 425 Seeds. Phone orders . Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' boasts the same size, vigor, and large flowers as the more common pink forms, but in white. I have occasionally seen Japanese and Oriental beetles on it, but I am not sure what critter is doing all the damage. weather permitting! On Jul 2, 2013, iowhen from Iowa City, IA (Zone 5a) wrote: Mine are not fragrant for some reason. The large, fragrant flowers bloom from July to October and a major attractor to butterflies and bees and deer resistant, it is a must for any perennial gardens. On Jul 1, 2010, themikeman from Concord, NC (Zone 7a) wrote: Very beautiful echinacea..pale white with a tint off cream or off white to it, especially from far back.i had been looking for one of these for about 8 years and finally found one last kannapolis nc farmers market and nursery.a huge beautiful one with dark green handsome leaves..foliage and flowers on this white swan tolerate the NC heat much better than the pink varieties of echinacea. ECHINACEA PURPUREA `WHITE SWAN` Deep green, thick, serrated foliage forms a dense basal mound of leaves in the garden that gives rise to sturdy flower stalks in mid-June topped by big, squat buds. Any well drained soil. Once established it will come back each year (perennial) and have white flowers. A bud. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' - white-cream petals, with golden-green central disks; a very worthwhile choice since it is one of the few showy white-blooming perennials for mid- to late-Summer bloom; leaves, petioles, and peduncles are also a lighter green color; unfortunately, this and other white-flowering cultivars (e.g. I've successfully grown it in the summer heat of Kansas and Missouri, and in the perpetually cool weather of coastal Humboldt County, CA. (PPAF) = Propagation of this plant prohibited without a license. You may plant the seeds in the early Spring or late Fall to grow in Spring after overwintering. Long summer bloom period. Also called Coneflower. Both have very sturdy stems, fairly well reflexed ray florets and disc flowers that start green and progress to a deep orange/yellow. 'White Swan' is a popular variety of "Cone Flower, producing bronze-centred white flowers from July to October. 70cm. Beloved by birds, culinary buffs and gardeners alike, the sweet nutritious fruit can be added to jams and pies, tasting a bit like blueberries with subtle almond notes. Bloom Description: White with copper-orange central cone, Tolerate: Deer, Drought, Clay Soil, Dry Soil, Shallow-Rocky Soil. Creamy white petals and golden center cones. Echinacea purpurea, White Swan seeds KevanCraftsAndSeeds. Echinacea purpurea is native to the Ozark Mountain region and found all throughout the Mississippi and Ohio . Commonly called Serviceberry, it makes a handsome deciduous understory tree for woodland peripheries and can be added to shrub borders and edible landscapes, plus informal screening or hedging. They were actually the best blooming one of the three I did purchase last year so I hope this year they really take off! Chuck. White Swan found in: Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan', Strong honey fragranced flowers in 16 weeks, often with 14+ 10cm 4in blooms out at once. 6/4/2006 I have bought a total of four of these plants. Huge, pure white, wonderfully fragrant blooms burst on top of these hardy native plants that bloom freely over a very long season. A white-flowered form of the Purple Coneflower, one of our most popular native wildflowers. The plant is a little smaller this year than previous years, but I think I disturbed the roots when planting a new neighbor. On Mar 28, 2009, sandstreet from Kinderhook, NY (Zone 5b) wrote: On Jul 20, 2008, trioadastra from Woodbury, MN (Zone 4a) wrote: This is my favorite coneflower. Echinacea thrive in sunny, dry environments and are commonly visited by a diversity of bees, butterflies, and beetles. across (10 cm), adorned with a skirt of wide, overlapping, downward-arching petals surrounding a golden yellow cone. The fragrance is very lemony. On Jul 5, 2007, kimmy222 from Reading, PA wrote: I love this coneflower. Sp. Ceramic ikebana vase with 3 integrated ceramic tubes, built-in stem holders. Handsome brown seedheads. 15 seeds per pkt. Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan', invasive exotic plants, Paulownia tomentosa, Princess Tree, Purple Coneflower, southeastern US invasive plants, Spineless Perfection Zucchini, squash vine borer, tomatoes, white Purple Coneflowers. Summer/Fall flowers make great cut flowers.Thrives in summer heat and drought Mature Height: 24-36 Inches. It is simple and elegant, sturdy and stately. 'White Swan' has large, daisy-like flowers . Plants have fibrous roots and form small colonies from short thick rhizomes. This is my last attempt. Just a note: Some of you may recall earlier in spring, around mid-May, I ended up rescuing a number of peonies after a storm and stored . Best in full sun. The cone-like seed heads also add a nice architectural touch to the winter garden. Our full availability for Spring 2022 will be available later this winter. With its upright habit of growth, it is best suited for use as a 'thriller' in the 'spiller-thriller-filler' container combination; plant it near the center of the pot, surrounded by smaller plants and . Botanical Name: All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. This year for some reason they have taken off. These stand on stiff stems that rise above the foliage. flower head before bloom. A long-lasting cut flower, it adds a sparkle of white to floral arrangements. The dead flower stems will remain erect well into the winter, and if flower heads are not removed, the blackened cones may be visited by goldfinches or other birds that feed on the seeds.Genus name of Echinacea comes from the Greek word echinos meaning hedgehog or sea-urchin in reference to the spiny center cone found on most flowers in the genus.Specific epithet means purple. It is, truly, a hybrid ... read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Variety or Cultivar 'White Swan' _ 'White Swan' is an upright, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with narrowly ovate to lance-shaped, rarely toothed, rough-hairy, dark green leaves and, throughout summer, white flowers with orange-brown central cones. I didn't really expect it to bloom this summer because I just planted them last fall but they did. $13.98) SKU: UPC: Availability: Ordering plants has concluded for the season. From shop GrandmaKathy. An (Andrey Korzun) CC BY-SA 4.0 Disc flower closeup Darrell.barrell CC0 1.0 Echinacea purpurea, landscape in Moore county in summer Susan Strine CC BY 2.0 Seed head Quercus2018 CC BY-SA 4.0 Seeds K. Andre CC BY 2.0 Close up showing purple streaks in stem, and scattered white hairs Tom Glasgow CC BY 4.0 Flower Close-up (Haywood County, NC . Coneflower 'White Swan' Genus. Echinacea 'White Swan' boasts the coppery central cone like its cousin purple coneflower, but this beauty opens blooms with white petals. This form is shorter than others, making it a great, easy-to-grow mid-border plant which will thrive in any decent soil and does not require staking making it excellent for cutting. Unknown Grass. 3-4" Flower heads are borne on long leafless . Credit: GAP Photos/Fiona Rice "Quick Buy" Licenses: Personal/Presentation Use - Non-commercial e.g print at home, artist reference, use in study materials - Up to 1/2 page OR 640x480 pixels for digital use . Native coneflowers (Echinacea plants) provide us with some of our most beautiful garden flowers and are an invaluable source of seeds for song birds and nectar for bumblebees and butterflies. A bumblebee with pollen. July-Sept. Ht. seedhead, frosted. Great plant. Echinacea purpurea, commonly called purple coneflower, is a coarse, rough-hairy, herbaceous perennial that is native to moist prairies, meadows and open woods of the central to southeastern United States (Ohio to Michigan to Iowa south to Louisiana and Georgia). 03367. ECHINACEA PURPUREA 'WHITE SWAN' SEEDS - Plant World Seeds. Tough and reliable, `White Swan' will repeat-flower through autumn if dead-headed after the . Perfect in a perennial border or peppered throughout a meadow garden, Coneflower’s erect stalks complement the more relaxed look of other plants. 'White Swan' is a compact perennial of upright growth, with solitary, white flower-heads with dull yellow central disks. The White Swan Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan') is an easy to grow perennial flower that produces strikingly large, fragrant, and bright white daisies like flowers. Lance-shaped, fine-toothed, deep green leaves. On Aug 1, 2004, ncgardenaddict from Kannapolis, NC (Zone 7b) wrote: Upright, drought tolerant, and beautiful! I 've seen pics of these however on this thread that showed a bit of what I'm complaining about. (707) 937-2480 (fax) 24-30" tall x 24" wide. Hardiness Zone The petals are eaten as quickly as they develop, and the leaves get munched on too. You can pick up seed for Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' all over the internet for a pound or so, it germinates easily and gives you a great return. White petals surround a domed central disk of tiny . Applaud Amelanchier,  Luscious November Color, 2021 T-shirts are available. These vigorous plants were teeny weeny seedlings only a year ago, and this year, are quite splendid. Zones 3-9. Height/Spread: 2 to 3 feet tall, 1 to 2 feet wide. To my surprise one of the plants is a white swan coneflower! Wide white reflexed petals with a prominent yellowy green boss. Elle est de plus courte stature que la plupart des représentants de sa famille et pourra être utilisée avec des herbes aux écouvillons dans un jardin naturaliste ou romantique. Attracts butterflies, bees, and birds in winter if . Echinacea pupurea 'White Swan' stands tall in the perennial garden. 66 members have or want this plant for trade. SOLD OUT!Email me when this plant is available. .25 oz - Approximately 6,250 Seeds. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' and 'Kim's Knee High'. Item # Pack Size Daisy-like flowers have a coppery cone center surrounded by drooping snow white petals. Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' - August. Please view some F…, Our featured plant: Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’.

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